Friends of Westgate Park is a non-profit volunteer group dedicated to the beautification of Westgate Park. We add and maintain flower beds, create new pollinator habitat, clean up litter, and raise funds for park improvements. We were formally recognized by Columbus Recreation and Parks in 2007, and have had 501c3 designation since 2013.


Here are some of our upcoming events:

6/3: FOWP Board Meeting @ Hilltop Library 6:30-8PM
6/6: Evening Clean Up @Westgate Park 6-8PM 
6/29: Saturday Clean Up @Westgate Park 9AM-Noon

Please check the Calendar section of this site or our Facebook page for upcoming events and additional details regarding scheduled park activities.


Use the ‘Contact Us’ section at the top of the page to email us directly regarding any questions. We appreciate your support. Thank you!

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Make a charitable donation through PayPal!

All funds donated to our nonprofit will be used for park beautification.